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Saturday, July 9, 2011

OOP | Perbedaan Public Dan Private

Tanpa Penentu Akses : Variabel Dapat Diakses Oleh Kelas Yang Berada Dalam Satu Paket(Pakage) Yang Sama.
Public : Variabel Dapat Diakses Pada Semua Kelas Yang Menggunakan Kelas Yang Berisi Variabel Tersebut.
Private : Hanya Dapat Diakses Oleh Metode-Metode Yang Berada Dalam Kelas Itu Sendiri.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Microsoft SQL server 2000

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 adalah perangkat lunak relational database management system (RDBMS) yang didesain untuk melakukan proses manipulasi database berukuran besar dengan berbagai fasilitas. Microsoft SQL Server 2000 merupakan produk andalan Microsoft untuk database server. Kemampuannya dalam manajemen data dan kemudahan dalam pengoperasiannya membuat RDBMS ini menjadi pilihan para database administrator.

DBMS merupakan suatu sistem perangkat lunak untuk memungkinkan user (pengguna) untuk membuat, memelihara, mengontrol, dan mengakses database secara praktis dan efisien. Dengan DBMS, user akan lebih mudah mengontrol dan mamanipulasi data yang ada. Sedangkan RDBMS atau Relationship Database Management System merupakan salah satu jenis DBMS yang mendukung adanya relationship atau hubungan antar table. RDBMS adalah perangkat lunak untuk membuat dan mengelola database, sering juga disebut sebagai database engine. Istilah RDBMS, database server-software, dan database engine mengacu ke hal yang sama. Beberapa contoh dari RDBMS diantaranya Oracle, Ms SQL Server, MySQL, DB2, Ms Access.


Pengertian MySQL

MySQL merupakan sebuah perangkat lunak system manajemen basis data SQL (bahasa inggris : data management system) atau DNMS yang multithread, multi-user, dengan sekitar 6 juta instalasi di seluruh dunia. MySQL AB membuat MySQL tersedia sebagai perangkat lunak gratis di bawah lisensi GNU General Public Licenci (GPL), tetapi mereka juga menjual dibawah lisensi komersial untuk kasus-kasus dimana penggunaannya tidak cocok dengan penggunaan GPL Tidak seperti Apache yang merupakan software yang dikembangkan oleh komunitas umum, dan cipta untuk code sumber dimiliki oleh penulisnya masing-masing, MySQL dimiliki dan disponsori oleh sebuah perusahaan komersial Swedia yaitu MySQL AB. MySQL AB memegang penuh hak cipta hampir atas semua kode sumbernya. Kedua orang Swedia dan satu orang Finlandia yang mendirikan MySQL AB adalah : david axmark, allan larsson, dan Michael “monthy widenius.
Kelebihan Dari MySQL adalah :
1. Free
2. Stabil
3. Fleksibel dengan berbagai bahasa pemorgraman
4. Kemudahan memanajemen database
5. keamanan yang baik
6. Didukung dari banyak komunitas
7. Perkembangan Software yang sangat cepat


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Ubuntu | Instal aplikasi melalui Ubuntu Software Center

Saat ini untuk menginstal aplikasi di ubuntu tidak terlalu sulit, pada ubuntu 9.04, 10.10 dan keatasnya, telah disediakan sebuah fasilitas yang diberinama Ubuntu Software Center, Dimana seseorang yang ingin menginstal sebuah aplikasi dapat menggunakan fasilitas ubuntu software center ini. berikut adalah gambar mengenai penggunaan ubuntu software center pada sebuah aplikasi.

1. pertama-tama, buka ubuntu software center dengan menekan aplications - ububtu software center. dan akan tampil gambar seperti dibawah ini.

Ditampilan halaman home anda dapat memilih kategory software yang anda butuhka, atau anda dapat menggunakan fasilitas search yang terdapat di pojok kanan atas. contohnya pada search saya ketikkan amarok(apliakasi musik seperti winamp). dan terlihat seperti gambar dibawah ini.
Anda Tinggal Mengklik Install, dan tunggu sampai proses instalasi selesai maka, amarok akan ada pada ubuntu anda, tapi pastinya anda harus terkoneksi ke internet selama melakukan penginstalan.
more info berfungsi untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih detail sebelum melakukan penginstalan.
nah, sekarang terserah anda bagaimana anda ingin berekspresi.


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Part 1 | Introduction PHP Programming


Up until recently, scripting on the internet was something which very few people even attempted, let alone mastered. Recently though, more and more people have been building their own websites and scripting languages have become more important. Because of this, scripting languages are becomming easier to learn and PHP is one of the easiest and most powerful yet.

What Is PHP?

PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor and is a server-side language. This means that the script is run on your web server, not on the user's browser, so you do not need to worry about compatibility issues. PHP is relatively new (compared to languages such as Perl (CGI) and Java) but is quickly becomming one of the most popular scripting languages on the internet.

Why PHP?

You may be wondering why you should choose PHP over other languages such as Perl or even why you should learn a scripting language at all. I will deal with learning scripting languages first. Learning a scripting language, or even understanding one, can open up huge new possibilities for your website. Although you can download pre-made scripts from sites like Hotscripts, these will often contain advertising for the author or will not do exactly what you want. With an understanding of a scripting language you can easily edit these scripts to do what you want, or even create your own scripts.

Using scripts on your website allows you to add many new 'interactive' features like feedback forms, guestbooks, message boards, counters and even more advanced features like portal systems, content management, advertising managers etc. With these sort of things on your website you will find that it gives a more professional image. As well as this, anyone wanting to work in the site development industry will find that it is much easier to get a job if they know a scripting language.

What Do I Need?

As mentioned earlier, PHP is a server-side scripting language. This means that, although your users will not need to install new software, your web host will need to have PHP set up on their server. It should be listed as part of your package but if you don't know if it is installed you can find out using the first script in this tutorial. If your server does not support PHP you can ask your web host to install it for you as it is free to download and install. If you need a low cost web host which supports PHP I would recommmend HostRocket.

Writing PHP

Writing PHP on your computer is actually very simple. You don't need any specail software, except for a text editor (like Notepad in Windows). Run this and you are ready to write your first PHP script.

Declaring PHP

PHP scripts are always enclosed in between two PHP tags. This tells your server to parse the information between them as PHP. The three different forms are as follows:

PHP Code In Here

PHP Code In Here

<script language="php">
PHP Code In Here

All of these work in exactly the same way but in this tutorial I will be using the first option (<? and ?>). There is no particular reason for this, though, and you can use either of the options. You must remember, though, to start and end your code with the same tag (you can't start with <? and end with </script> for example).

Your First Script

The first PHP script you will be writing is very basic. All it will do is print out all the information about PHP on your server. Type the following code into your text editor:


As you can see this actually just one line of code. It is a standard PHP function called phpinfo which will tell the server to print out a standard table of information giving you information on the setup of the server.

One other thing you should notice in this example is at the line ends in a semicolon. This is very important. As with many other scripting and programming languages nearly all lines are ended with a semicolon and if you miss it out you will get an error.

Finishing and Testing Your Script

Now you have finished your script save it as phpinfo.php and upload it to your server in the normal way. Now, using your browser, go to the URL of the script. If it has worked (and if PHP is installed on your server) you should get a huge page full of the information about PHP on your server.

If your script doesn't work and a blank page displays, you have either mistyped your code or your server does not support this function (although I have not yet found a server that does not). If, instead of a page being displayed, you are prompted to download the file, PHP is not installed on your server and you should either search for a new web host or ask your current host to install PHP.

It is a good idea to keep this script for future reference.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Understanding Operators | PHP If, Else and Elsif

Just a reminder, until this moment you already have some basic skills in PHP if that is how to program PHP, Variables and Arrays. With the variables you have to connect between the PHP pages, plus an array, it seems you already have all the knowledge of PHP,
There is still much we can learn. One of the important part is to study the operator, which in this section the operator to be discussed is the If and else. Why is operators that important? Because they are allowing a program to decide and "thinking " (of course appropriate that we have set).

Ready? Let us begin by trying to get acquainted with "if".

How to make your page into "smart" is to use command If, Else and elseif are accompanied by logical operators and comparison. The most important is if the command, which allows you to create code like this
  • If a condition is true, then do something;
  • If the condition is false, then just ignore
The syntax for the above statement is as follows:

Here is an example which is more real. First we will set the variable $ WarnaKesukaan with the blue (line 3). Then we would say "If WarnaKesukaan is blue, then show 'I also like the color blue you know!'"


Else is part of the command if, to say the following:

  • If a condition is true, then do something;or, if the first condition is not true, then do this other thing.

Here are
real examples of the continuation of the above:

What you see above is a common format in writing the statement. The key is to see where the curly brackets opps,,, braces
so you do not confuse such a command which is part of a specific code. In the code above, the pair {and} The first is the property "if ", while the {and} both belong to "else".

hope useful
.... see you again